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Norwegian oil giant cancels plan to drill in Great Australian Bight


Equinor, a Norwegian multinational energy company, announced that it has abandoned its plan to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight for reasons that it is “not commercially competitive.” The oil and gas giant was given a green light to start its exploratory drills, at a depth of 2.5 kilometers in South Australia’s coastline, […]

War censorship exposes Putin’s leaky internet controls

War censorship exposes Putin’s leaky internet controls

BOSTON: Long before waging war on Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin was working to make Russia’s internet a powerful tool of surveillance and social control...

Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail Celebrates 6 Months: 2.56M Passengers

Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail, operated jointly by Indonesian and Chinese firms, celebrates six months of operation with over 2.56 million passengers transported, revolutionizing travel in Indonesia.

Snowstorms hit Afghanistan, Pakistan killing 54 people

At least 54 people were reported dead due to the severe weather that struck some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The authorities said that the death...

Philippines reopens businesses closed due to Taal volcano’s eruption

A week after Philippines’ Taal Volcano became active and spewed ashfall in several regions, lawmakers have finally allowed businesses in some affected areas,...
Fire and Rain: West to get more one-two extreme climate hits

Fire and Rain: West to get more one-two extreme climate hits.

The one-two punch of nasty wildfires followed by heavy downpours triggering flooding and mudslides will strike the U.S. West far more often in a...

UK, Singapore launch talks on the digital trade agreement

BRITAIN: On Monday, Britain, and Singapore will begin negotiations on another computerized economic deal. That could eliminate boundaries, a piece of London's effort to...
Germany seeks to boost renewable energy and cut Russian imports.

Germany seeks to boost renewable energy and cut Russian imports.

BERLIN Germany: The German government unveiled a major package of reforms. To boost the production of renewable power, and meet its climate goals. And...

Thailand, France and Mexico strengthen environmental protection with plastic ban

As a way to start the decade right, countries like Thailand, France and Mexico have announced separately their implementation of the single-use of plastic bags as...

Russian Elite Seek Refuge in Thailand: Phuket’s Transformation

July 28, 2023 Thailand's allure as a premier tourist destination has welcomed a unique cohort to its picturesque landscapes – Russian elites. As Western doors...