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World Bank official says war-driven oil price hikes to slash growth for big importers

World Bank official says war-driven oil price hikes to slash growth for big importers

WASHINGTON: Persistent high oil prices prompted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine could cut a full percentage point off the growth of large oil-importing developing...
Refugee exodus reaches 2.8 million

Refugee exodus reaches 2.8 million as Russian strikes hit west Ukraine

KRAKOW, Poland/ISACCEA, Romania: Thousands of people crossed into eastern Europe after Russia attacked a Ukrainian base near the border with NATO-member Poland. The number of...

Uncovering the Kremlin’s Efforts to Conceal Russia’s Military Setbacks

August 10, 2023 Amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Kremlin finds itself in a precarious position, grappling with the emerging controversies swirling within Russia's...
Germany seeks to boost renewable energy and cut Russian imports.

Germany seeks to boost renewable energy and cut Russian imports.

BERLIN Germany: The German government unveiled a major package of reforms. To boost the production of renewable power, and meet its climate goals. And...
KNM Group Berhad Chairman Tunku Yaacob and CEO Ravindrasingham-Balasingham

Malaysian High Court Halts KNM Group’s Restructuring, Citing Legal Breaches and Scheme’s Inevitable Failure

In a decisive move, the Malaysian High Court has rejected KNM Group Berhad's bid for a restructuring lifeline, spotlighting a series of legal violations and the scheme's lack of viability.
EU and UK hit Russia with wider sanctions that target luxury

EU and UK hit Russia with wider sanctions that target luxury

BRUSSELS Belgium: EU and UK hit Russia with more sanctions this time victim is Pure-bred horses, truffles, a soccer club owner, and a media...
New China-Laos-Thailand train builds efficiency for China and Asean trade

New China-Laos-Thailand train builds efficiency for China and Asean trade

BEIJING: The China-Laos Railway’s extension, the round-trip China-Laos-Thailand train, was successfully launched. Trade between China and Asean members is anticipated to gain new momentum thanks...
ECB hawks press case for more rate hikes to fight inflation

ECB hawks press case for more rate hikes to fight inflation

Two prominent hawks on the European Central Bank’s (ECB) policymaking Governing Council predict that the bank will likely need to hike interest rates further....
UN to vote on suspending Russia from the rights council.

UN to vote on suspending Russia from the rights council.

UNITED NATIONS: The U.N. General Assembly will vote on whether to suspend Russia from the U.N.’s premier human rights body. The move was initiated...
UK regulator revokes license of Russia-backed broadcaster RT

UK regulator revokes license of Russia-backed broadcaster RT.

LONDON UK: Britain’s communications regulator revoked the license of the state-funded Russian broadcaster RT amid concern that its coverage of the war in Ukraine...